The government of Guernsey is considering leasing part of its seabed to develop an offshore wind farm.
The Policy & Resources (P&R) Committee of the States, Guernsey’s parliament and government, said an offshore wind farm could be worth £1.3 billion over 35 years.
As a result, Guernsey plans to spend £1.3 million over the next two years to develop a framework allowing it to lease its seabed to wind developers.
P&R said its figures were based on leasing a 61 square mile site with the potential to generate 1.27 GW of electricity from an estimated 50-60 turbines.
The committee said it is pursuing detailed exploration of the offshore wind opportunity following interest from “a number of potential developers” expressing interest in a Guernsey based project.
The States said it would likely be around 10 years before a windfarm is operational in the waters surrounding the Channel Island.
Deputy Bob Murray, from the offshore wind sub-committee, told Guernsey Press that there could be “substantial value in leasing a section of seabed”.
The States has contracted consultants including Carbon Trust, PA Consulting and engineering firm Ramboll to progress offshore wind opportunities.
Guernsey is also planning to establish an Offshore Renewable Energy Commission which would be responsible for licensing marine renewable energy developments.