The Wall Street Journal
March 20, 2025
“The Biden LNG ‘Pause’ Deception”
By The Editorial Board
“The Energy Department on Wednesday approved the Venture Global CP2 liquefied natural gas export project that became a cri de coeur for climate activists. Good call. Meantime, we are learning more about how the Biden team deceived Americans about its 2024 LNG export “pause.”
“President Biden, prodded by climate adviser John Podesta, announced a supposedly temporary suspension of LNG project approvals in January of the election year. The stated purpose was so Energy could do a study to determine if increased exports are in the “public interest.” It turns out that DOE career staff had already completed such a study by autumn 2023.
“A draft of that study, which was shared with us, shows that increased U.S. LNG exports would have negligible effects on domestic prices while modestly reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. The latter is largely because U.S. LNG exports would displace coal in power production and gas exports from other countries such as Russia.
“The majority of the additional U.S. natural gas substitutes for other global sources of natural gas,” the study notes. “Global and U.S. GHG emissions do not change appreciably” across various scenarios that DOE staff modeled.
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“The climate lobby also says more LNG exports will increase U.S. energy costs. But the study forecast that wholesale gas prices in the U.S. would rise less than in the “study DOE commissioned on the economic impacts from U.S. LNG exports in 2018.” Residential gas prices would increase by a mere 4% by 2050.
“DOE staff and lawyers rigorously reviewed the models and findings because these conclusions “are going to receive a lot of scrutiny” and we “need to be able to explain why the model shows reduced emissions,” as one commented in the study’s margins. Another recommended “full tabulated results in an Excel workbook be made available to provide transparency to the public.”
“That isn’t what the Biden crowd wanted to hear. They shelved the staff study and imposed their “pause” to motivate progressives during last year’s election. In December, Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm released a different study, which purported to show that “unfettered” LNG exports would increase global emissions and domestic gas prices.
“Had Kamala Harris won, Democrats would undoubtedly have used the new study to justify a permanent export ban and we would never have found out about the other study. The LNG two-step is another notable example of how the Biden Democrats tried to deceive Americans. . .”